Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Black and White Laser Printers

Black and white laser printers are a great addition to most any office. They print high quality documents with beautiful text in next to no time at all! If you are using an ink jet printer because the last time you looked at laser printers they were too expensive, the prices have come down and are now much more affordable.

Many offices are frustrated with their ink jet printers because the printer is slow and loud enough to disturb people who are trying to get their work done. A laser printer can printer 10 or more pages per minute and is very quiet. You'll be surprised how affordable a black and white laser printer can be these days. Now that they are a mass market product, you can buy a good one for between $100 and $200, and less than $100 for a lesser known brand that is on sale.

The level of quality between an ink jet and a laser printer for text documents can be striking: The laser printed text generally looks more professional. Print your drafts on the ink jet but print the final copies for your clients with the laser. Most people that have added a laser to their offices have been very happy with the choice for the increased flexibility and printing speed that they are able to find and would struggle if they were forced to return to an office without a black and white laser printer! You can often find good deals by buying one used too.

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