Thursday, November 24, 2011

Travelers Need Portable Printer Scanners

Travelers can make use of portable printer scanners. If you find you find yourself traveling a lot and do business wherever you go, then you might need a portable printer scanner. A portable printer and scanner accompanied with your own laptop basically constitutes a portable office. Doing business while you're on the road will be a lot easier since you have your computer to do all your editing, your printer to print your documents and scanners to scan pictures and documents.

When you're traveling as a businessman, it cannot be avoided that you need to do some printing. You may print documents, reports or business proposal. If you have your own portable printer and scanner, you will not have to look for internet cafés or computer shops so you can print your documents. If you also have your laptop computer, then all you have to do is print them in the rooms you are staying.

Generally, there is more need for a printer than there is for a scanner. However, when you are traveling, there maybe those rare moments where you will need one. Like for example, you need to scan your IDs or your passports. They may be used when you're trying to gather some requirements for some applications. With a portable printer scanner, it can be made as a copier. The scanner can copy the document and the printer can print them.

If you are traveling to meet family on the holidays, it will also be great if you have your own printer scanner. Assuming that you have one that is capable of printing photo quality, it will be a very good opportunity to share pictures with your loved ones. Portable models have features that allow you to interface with different portable devices. Cellular phones with cameras can directly print photos using these portable gadgets.

In terms of features, there hasn't been a portable printer and scanner model that has high printing speed. The fastest mobile printer has a speed of 22 pages per minute. However, for the combination of portable printer scanner, the highest so far is the BJC 85. It can only print up to 5 pages per minute. Nevertheless, it is the only one that is capable of printing and scanning at decent resolutions.

Printer companies are busy coming up with the new features like putting wireless interface on every printer. They may enhance features like maximizing the speed or printing quality. However, for now, there is no company yet that is able to come up with a printer and scanner that generates photo quality pictures at the same time scan at very high resolution. The scanning resolution that the BJC 85 has is 360 dots per inch. Compared to today's top of the line scanners, it is a very poor quality. It may take some time before they put in features that will have both the best qualities of top printers and top scanners.

Portable printer scanners like the BJC 85 may be obsolete now. However, there was a time when they were top of the line. Up to now, they may not be the fastest, or the one with the highest resolution, but they still do a decent job at that.

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